Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Run uClinux on cf5272 board

Now I have build 2 kernels, one from Redhat and the other is from Ubuntu. I'll try both on cf5272.

The lab configuration is simple. cf5272 connects to a linux host through RS232, and connect to the network through ethernet cable. The linux host acts as a stage server to download image, operate the board using minicom.

I made all the files ready on the stage server, download image.bin into the board through RS232, run the OS and monitor the output from minicom. Now the board is alive by responding to commands in minicom.

The image from redhat seems to have less commands than the one from Ubuntu. I must have select fewer when I configure the kernel's applications (Busybox).

By using the image from Ubuntu, I have the mkdir, cd, cat etc command to mount a nfs dir (on my laptop linux) to a target dir under /var, and see my files on the target.

Few things to mount a nfs files system:
1. On nfs server, export the dir by editing /etc/exports.
2. Run "/etc/init.d/nfs" stop to stop nfs service, and re-start it with the new exported dir by running "/et/init.d/nfs start"
3. On client (in this case the cf5272 board), run "mount -t nfs -o nolock :/ /var/"

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