1. Linux-Zigbee:
URL: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/linux-zigbee/
An implementation of IEEE802.15.4 standard and several protocols running on the top of IEEE 802.15.4 (like ZigBee) for Linux. It contains two parts, kernel protocol stack and userspace utilities.
It's a good candidate for embedded linux system functioning as a Zigbee coordinator, gateway, control center or similar devices. There are also efforts to put it into Freescale MC1322x Platform in a package. (MC1322x is basically one signal SoC with both RF and an ARM7 mcu)
2. Using the Freescale MC1322x Series ARM7 Processor with integrated 802.15.4 by Mariano Alvira:
URL: http://mc1322x.devl.org/
It's a good cand The purpose is to develop Open Source tools (namely Linux related) and hardware for the Freescale MC13224V processor.
This is interesting because it potentially makes it possible for Linux-Zigbee to work on MC1322V. Then we will have 802.15.4/Zigbee sensors running Linux (uClinux?)
3. Open-ZB:
URL: http://www.open-zb.net/
- Implementation of beacon-enabled mode of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack developed in nesC, under the TinyOS operating system v1.1.15 and version 2.0 (new) for the CrossBow MICAz and TelosB motes;
- Implementation of the ZigBee Network Layer (including the IEEE 802.15.4) supporting the Cluster-tree topology, featuring our proposed mechanism to schedule de beacon transmission, the Time Division Beacon Scheduling
It's open source but not Linux. It's a good candidate for implementing 802.15.4 and Zigbee sensors.
(I know company who implement a Zigbee to Ethernet gateway using TinyOS too)
4. Zigbee for PIC18, PIC24 by Microchip
URL: http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=2680&dDocName=en538049
It's proprietory but provides full source code. It's only for Microchip PIC series microcontrollers.
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