Friday, March 26, 2010

MJPG-streamer, a light weight video streaming server for embedded system

A short post, about a light weight video streaming server. I've been looking around for a small but robust realtime video streamer that can stream video from a camera over IP network to a standalone viewer or browser. And of course it has to be able to run smooth on a resource constrained embedded system such as mini2440(ARM9 + 64M ram + 128M flash).

mjpg-streamer looks like a good fit. It's an open source project at And it's compiled for mini2440 at

So I installed the binary for mini2440, it works pretty good. It works with a cheap USB camera, it works with a CMOS camera too. Only thing is, the frame rate is not high enough, 5 frames/sec, with 1-2 seconds delays. CMOS camera is obviously better than USB camera regarding to frames rate and delays. I haven't tried a camera with some compression capability yet, but it's supposed to have better result.

But it's pretty good overall. There are a few things I want to do with it (too busy now to do it now) in the near future:
1. A better camera
2. Make it part of the rootfs
3. Look into the code to see how it works with the camera driver.
4. Some modifications, such as embedded data within the pictures.


  1. I am doing a mini project based on mini 2440 for streaming videos from webcam over internet.i would be happy,if i get help from you.
    contact me pls regarding this.
    thank you.

    1. i need ur help how you do this project any open source provider

  2. This is very appealing, however , it is very important that will mouse click on the connection: check this out
